
Friday 21 May 2010

godard can wait

21 may 2010

subhead: off track. again? what's the point?

RE: godard

Lima K.S.D.
Sent: 21 May 2010 17:55
To: popescu d.i. (dxxx)

i also want to apoligise for emailing only now, but i was in this meeting. this friend is helping me out with readings for my research. . . it seems so confusing as of today.
sorry )-: really
big hugs,

RE: godard
Lima K.S.D.
Sent: 21 May 2010 17:50
To: popescu d.i. (dxxx)

i am so very sorry to say i am not going to come for the film today. diana, i feel burned out and overwhelmed with the volume iof things i have to do but have not done. . .

i just left from a meeting with a friend with whom i talked about my research . . . looong story. i do need to write something new and send it to ros by tomorrow bc we meet on monday. by the way we met today by chance at Hartley library and Ros said 'see you next week'. truth is i have not done as much as i should. . .

plus, there is the teaching job. i also have lots of things to do about it. these next weeks are crucial for both job and academia. i can't stop for full 2 or 3 hours today. i came back in the library now (am here now) just to get a book and to write this email to you.

very very sorry. i'll just try and do some work still today. we'll have plenty of time for fun, movies, parks, picnics, . . . please just help me out now. i am getting stressed out.

thanks a lot. see you soon. i might work in avenue over the weekend. if you're there we have coffee. or highfield. . . don't know now, but i'll be working somewhere and if we're near we have coffee, ok?
From: popescu d.i. (dxxx)
Sent: 21 May 2010 10:58
To: Lima K.S.D.
Subject: RE: godard

Okay!! I'm sorry that Mathilde can't make it!
I'll see you at my house at 7! Godard is awaiting :)

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