
Wednesday 14 March 2012

busy week

14 mar 2012

photo taken from my mobile phone

this has been a busy week. it is wednesday and i still have so much to do. last night i didn't sleep well at all. i've been worried about some things. . . can't avoid the worries. can't do much about the problems, either. . . but they stay here with me.
yesterday i had lunch with a bunch of brazilian girls: frances, karla, and ana with her little hugo. what a beauty he is. the chat was very nice.
today i'll have in a few minutes a training session on the viva. still today i need to finish up the draft for some data analysis and send it out to ros. tonight i'll go to laura marlin's show at the guild hall with mike and johnny.
tomorrow i'll have a supervision session with ros. then, i need to finish up preparing the eap lesson for friday. it is almost done already. also tomorrow we'll go to the nuffield theatre for the 'mogadishu' play.
on friday i'll teach 10 to 12. all day there is going to be the hpgc conference, here at the avenue campus. i have a presentation at 4pm at the conference; and a reception at 6pm as part of conference.
hope i have a better night's sleep today. i am fine, trust me :-) am certain the weekend is going to be nice, come rain or shine.


  1. Replies
    1. que legal voce me visitando, Karen. eu visito o kapfa todo dia, e de la visito quem voce lista de blogs. eh uma referencia bem interessante. eu andei meio quietinha e ainda ando, mas com mais vontade de escrever no blog. vamos ver como isso se traduz na pratica.
      abraco e obrigada pela visita camarada.

  2. Amei, amei, amei a foto! Me esforcei tanto pra ver algo pruibido, sabendo que tu' num ia publicar se tivesse mar mermo assim a foto ta' irresistivel! Hehe. tu' nunca vai deixar de se preocupar com as coisa porque tu' e' responsavel. Se tu' fosse irresponsavil que nem eu tu' vivia melhor! Hehehehe. Bote binhai uma censura nesses meus conselhos e nao publique! Ama voce!

    1. mas num tem nada proibido no seu comentario, nene. legal voce ter gostado da foto.
