
Saturday 26 March 2011

my fruitful friday

about yesterday, 25 mar 2011

last night, talking with mike i realised i had an unexpectedly productive day. i was if truth be told not expecting that much because i have been slow lately. here is the report:

1. 7 – 8 am: started off the day having breakfast with mike, a good start . . .

2. 1.45pm: sent out an abstract to the Bloomsbury conference. I was freaking out and did fear not meeting the deadline, which was today. hurray!!! can’t really tell how pleased I was to manage something that may be just a simple task, something I have made so many times, but that has been a struggle for the past few months.

3. 2.30: met up for coffee at trago lounge with diana and sue. topics of the day: (a) how we relate to our families back home, how much we miss them, how much support we receive and give them, how much we tell or hide from them, . . . and (b) cosmetic surgery. it is a big thing in brazil, I know. it is not so big in romania, diana said, but it is a hot topic in south korea. so, sue was the one to do most of the talk. here are some facts about cosmetic surgery in korea: - yes, many loads of boys and girls do the eyes in search of a more westernised look; - they do it so often and ordinarily they don’t even call it ‘plastic surgery’, it is rather referred to as ‘make up’; - people place big time value on their looks, even professionally speaking; - girls may undergo ‘make up’ for a job interview; and finally that korean surgeons have a reputation of being highly skilled.

4. about 4.10: did some shopping at waitrose and was – surprise surprise – again excellent managing my time and doing all I wanted, I mean, buying all I needed to cook the dinner for later on.

5. about 5pm: got back home. waited for the U1C bus for more than 20 minutes. got back home and cooked dinner for me and mike. this time the cooking took me no more than two hours. such a success I hadn’t thought I would achieve because the first time I cooked it took me the whole day, not counting the trips to supermarkets and hours to decide on a menu. well, menu of the day: ‘summer in winter chicken’ (chicken on a pesto sauce with crème fraiche and basil; chicken with cream and parmesan and another cheese; - rice; dessert: blueberries and strawberries in a bowl with cream. English tea to drink. am very pleased mike enjoy the food very much. finished with eating mike helped me do the dishes. Four hands can be do so much more than just two. amazing!!!

6. about 9:10pm: we went to bellemoor tavern, in hill lane, shirley. It was to meet up with maudie, her friend aidan, jc, marie, and warren. I liked the pub: spacious and with a good menu for food, and good price; but we have drinks only. people here don’t drink and eat much. I had two glasses of wine, which helped me relax.

7. about 11.45: we took another taxi back home, to mike's place; and finished up the day in good hands / arms. . .


  1. Olá, Kalina!
    Fiquei muito feliz que passaste lá no blog!
    Nossa, que dia hein! Realmente rendeu!
    Adorei a foto do café!
    Achei muito interessante a parte das conversas de vcs e sobre as cirurgias na Coréia. Já tinha ouvido falar, mas não sabia que era visto como uma "make up" only.
    Gostaria de saber mais de ti! Dei uma olhada no teu outro blog, mas está parado desde 2009.
    Um beijo e td de bom!
    P.S ao ver o teu blog me lembrei da minha prima que mora em Brighton, ela tem um tb muito legal! Está na minha lista, nem lá nem aqui!

  2. oi Marilia,
    que legal ver voce aqui. fico feliz que voce goste do meu blog. eu ja visitei o blog da Ananda em Brighton e achei otimo.
    minha amiga sue disse ainda que os coreanos tem uma tecnologia muito avancada, mas que na cabeca estao com valores perdidos ou confusos.
    uma amiga minha chinesa me disse que eh facil encontrar numa fila por la varios rapazes com o mesmo nariz. hehehe ja pensou? a gente ve saia colorida, comprida, curta, mas nariz igual!!
    o outro blog foi so um comeco. pretendo usa-lo pra anotacoes fechadas, acho que tenho que deixar uma nota la falando isso.
    pois eh. o que voce faz ai na croacia?
    o que voce ja viu de mim no blog ou nao e que gostaria de saber mais? estudo aqui na inglaterra, e sou do nordeste, precisamente de Teresina.
    beijo e de noticias,
