
Monday 16 May 2011

the original taste

16 may 2011

originally from south and central asia, naan bread has become popular in many other countries. this one from photo i had at the gurkha chef, the nepalese and indian restaurant we went to in winchester the other day. it was so ethnic and special it didn't resemble one bit the one i had before long ago from a regular supermarket.

this is my point: if you want to try something which is new to you, like ethnic food or a typical dish (fish and chips), make sure you have access to the good sources, otherwise you may have a negative experience and think that is all about the dish. i had good / original naan bread a while ago at an indian restaurant here in southampton. it really made me think. the taste was so good it felt like i was having it for the first time. i have had the same experience with fish and chips, a staple in english food. you have to check and find the places / restaurantes where it is cooked fresh and by a specialist.


  1. Ah, tem uma cara ótima, comida étnica por aqui é tão difícil...

  2. dificil por sao paulo??? nossa, to surpresa.
    esse pao tava campeao. ate me arrependi quando no dia pedi arroz com cogumelo pra acompanhar o porco, porque nao precisava, bastava o pao esperto.

  3. É que eu não moro na capital, moro no interiorr e aqui a variedade não é tão grande.

  4. ah, sim. interiorr eh mesmo mais limitado. sempre a gente tem vantagens e desvantagens.
    boa semana pra nos, Karen.
